Estudiantes con DACA ahora elegibles para Becas A+ en Missouri

El programa de Becas A+ ofrece incentivos para mejorar la calidad y el acceso a la educación en Missouri. Provee fondos a graduados de escuelas preparatorias designadas como “A+” para estudiar en colleges comunitarios o escuelas técnicas. Esta beca ayuda a estudiantes que tengan buenas notas, una asistencia excelente, hayan efectuado horas de tutoría ayudando a otros y mantengan una conducta ejemplar.

Este mes, el Departamento de Educación Superior de Missouri, determinó que estudiantes con acción diferida (DACA) sí cumplen con el requisito de “presencia legal”, y sí son por lo tanto elegibles para las becas A+.  Estas son grandes noticias para estudiantes con DACA que cumplan con los requisitos. Las becas A+ pagan por el costo de la colegiatura que no sea cubierto por otras ayudas financieras aplicables.


En 2013, las puertas de las universidades públicas de Missouri se abrieron para estudiantes indocumentados con estatus de DACA, pero no estaba aún claro si estos estudiantes podrían también calificar para Becas A+.

Fue entonces que la abogada de inmigración, Jessica Piedra, empezó a colaborar con el MDHE en el análisis legal sobre la elegibilidad de estudiantes DACA para estas becas, específicamente sobre el requerimiento de estar legalmente presente en el país. Después de varios meses de cuidadosa consideración, el MDHE concluyó que los estudiantes al  presentar la documentación federal que muestra su estatus DACA, están confirmando este requerimiento.

“La juventud inmigrante siempre me ha inspirado a trabajar por su accesibilidad a la educación”, dice Piedra. Ella ha sido reconocida por el Consulado mexicano y la Cámara Hispana de Comercio por su trabajado con estudiantes inmigrantes. Además de su trabajo con la comunidad, ella ayudó a fundar Immigration Professionals, una firma legal sin fines de lucro que sirve a familias inmigrantes.

El Departamento de Educación Superior de Missouri (MDHE) es la agencia responsable de administrar, entre otras iniciativas, el programa de Becas A+.  Para ayudar al estado de Missouri alcanzar sus objetivos en cuanto a educación y fuerza laboral, el MDHE concentra sus esfuerzos en las áreas de: Accesibilidad, asequibilidad, calidad, y terminación. Esta decisión es un maravilloso paso hacia “Construir el futuro de Missouri… por grados,” que es el slogan del Departamento.

Para saber si serían elegibles, los estudiantes deben contactar al Coordinador de su escuela A+ y después al oficial de ayuda financiera del college.

Publicadas ya las instrucciones y el formulario para la renovación de DACA. ¡Renueva ahora!

El día 5 de junio de este año 2014, el Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EEUU (USCIS) estrenó las indicaciones finales para renovar la Acción Diferida (DACA). El nuevo formulario deberá obligatoriamente usarse para aplicar, tanto para la renovación como para aplicar por primera vez.   La tarifa para ambas aplicaciones: inicial o renovación, es la misma: $465. Los aplicantes para renovación solo tendrán presentar documentos sobre viajes al exterior, o problemas legales en los que hayan incurrido a partir de que aplicaron inicialmente.

Es muy importante a aplicar para renovar tu DACA en el tiempo correcto. Inmigración sólo aceptará su aplicación cinco meses antes de que tu DACA expire. Pero debes empezar a prepararte por lo menos seis meses antes. Cada persona tendrá una ventana de tiempo diferente para aplicar, dependiendo de la fecha de expiración de tu DACA.

DACA renewalEs muy importante que apliques con bastante tiempo de anticipación, para así poder recibir el nuevo permiso de trabajo, antes de que expire el que tienes. Si no recibes tu nuevo permiso de trabajo antes de que el tuyo expire, tendrás que dejar de trabajar hasta que recibas el nuevo. Ya no estarías protegido de deportación y empezarías a acumular días de presencia ilegal, lo cual podría afectar tus oportunidades de obtener la residencia en el futuro.

Si todavía no has aplicado para la Acción Diferida (DACA), aún estás a tiempo de poder aplicar por primera vez. No hay fecha límite para aplicar por primera vez si cumples con los requisitos originales. Se calcula que sólo la mitad de jóvenes elegibles han aplicado. Lo más pronto que apliques, lo más pronto que podrás empezar a cumplir tus sueños.

La abogada Jessica Piedra ha ayudado a cientos de jóvenes a obtener la Acción Diferida.

Nosotros podemos ayudarte, a precio reducido.

“Estamos contentos de que al fin Inmigración haya estrenado la información para renovaciones,” dijo la abogada Piedra. “Me hace muy feliz ver a nuestros clientes seguir sus sueños, pero es vital que apliquen para la renovación a tiempo.” La abogada dirige un staff completamente bilingüe, en la firma legal “Immigration Professionals”, con oficinas en Kansas City, MO y Lawrence y Liberal, KS.   Ha sido galardonada con el premio Carlos F. Cortes Humanitario del año y con el Premio Ohtli del Consulado Mexicano, por su trabajo y éxito abogando por la juventud inmigrante y su derecho a una educación superior. Sobra decir que la abogada Jessica Piedra habla español con fluidez.Puede contactarla al 1-844-221-1844 o en

DACA Renewals are coming!

DACA renewal Deferred Action renovación renovacion Acción DiferidaThe time to renew for Deferred Action is approaching.   The USCIS is getting ready and so should you!

The USCIS have released a new form that will allow renewals and first-time applications.  The fee for the renewal will be the same – $465.

All renewal applicants will need to prove continuous residence in the United States since they applied for DACA.

Also, if you qualified  based on being in high school or by taking GED classes, you must show that you have made progress in your education.  This is especially important for GED students.  If you have not kept up with your classes, NOW is the time to get serious and return to your studies!  

The USCIS will only take your application four months before your DACA expires, but make sure you start working on your application sooner than that.   Everyone will have a different time to submit the application depending on the expiration date of their DACA.  Make an appointment with us today, to start preparing.

Victory for DACA students!! Now able to enroll in most Missouri universities.

Now DACA students can enroll at UMKC and other colleges of the University of Missouri System!!
Now DACA students can enroll at UMKC and other colleges in the area.

Public universities and community colleges across Missouri have begun enrolling students with Deferred Action status! We are excited by the opportunity this will provide our state and its young people, and so thankful for the hard work and dedication of our lead attorney, Jessica Piedra.

Five years ago the Missouri legislature debated a law that would have barred all undocumented students from attending Missouri public universities and colleges. As a member of Missouri Immigrant and Refugee Advocates, Ms. Piedra helped to change the language of the bill so it only prohibited schools from awarding a public benefit, not from enrolling the students. We thought we had won, but  Missouri schools administratively barred the students anyway.

Jessica Piedra has worked for the rights of undocumented students for many years.
Jessica Piedra has worked for the rights of undocumented students for many years.

Since the beginning Ms. Piedra has led the way on this issue. Still a student at the UMKC School of Law, she met with university officials along with community activists, such as Judy Ancel, to urge them to follow the plain meaning of the law that had been enacted. In their opinion, it did and does not prevent enrollment of undocumented students.

Judy Ancel, Directora del Institute for Labor Studies enUMKC y activista communitaria.
Judy Ancel, Director of the Institute for Labor Studies at UMKC and community activist.


After graduating from UMKC, she joined their Hispanic Advisory Board. At every opportunity she brought up the issue with the Chancellor and his staff. Since then, she has met with advocates across the state of Missouri about the issue. Together, they have continued to press universities to accept undocumented students. Nonetheless, universities were afraid of losing their funding and refused.

This all changed last year when President Obama created the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The Deferred Action status provides two years of protection from deportation and work authorization. Immigrants who entered the country when they were younger than 16 years old, are in school or have graduated high school, and have been in the United States for the last five years qualify to apply. The requirements are based on the DREAM Act, recognizing that there are about two million young people who have spent most of their lives in the United States, but do not have legal status. Our firm has helped over 150 young people to obtain DeferredAction status and move closer to achieving their dreams.

education futureMs. Piedra had never stopped advocating for undocumented youth across the state of Missouri.  As the April 2013 meeting of the UMKC Hispanic Advisory Board approached, she reviewed the state law and the Deferred Action guidance.  It was very clear that the state law required that students be “lawfully present” and that the government guidance stated that Deferred Action students were “lawfully present.”   She created a fact sheet showing how the state law and the federal program worked together to share at the Hispanic Advisory Board meeting with the UMKC Chancellor, Leo Morton. The discussion at that meeting did not look promising as the university officials continued to resist considering enrolling these students.

Fortunately, after that meeting UMKC officials took Ms. Piedra’s fact sheet to the University of Missouri System’s attorney for review.  Their attorney saw that the state law allowed Deferred Action students to enroll, and he instructed all four universities in the system to start enrolling them immediately!

The Metro-rate covers the following counties in Kansas: Atchison, Douglas, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Osage, Shawnee and Wyandotte.

We are delighted that with Ms. Piedra’s help UMKC took the lead on making this state-wide change.  What is more, UMKC has decided to enroll Deferred Action students at in-state tuition rates both for Missouri residents and those who would otherwise qualify for their “metro-rate” tuition.

Local Community Colleges are also following this lead!  The Metropolitan Community College system is enrolling Deferred Action students at in-state tuition rates.  It also appears that Deferred Action students should be eligible for the Missouri A+ scholarship as it also simply requires “lawful presence.”   The doors are opening for our immigrant youth in Missouri and beyond as institutions come to understand the Deferred Action program.

??????????Jessica Piedra has advocated for Deferred Action students to get enrolled into programs and even helped one young woman save her full ride scholarship to a Doctoral program.  She is committed to helping not only our clients, but all immigrant youth to achieve their dreams.

Call us if you are interested in a consultation, get ready for reform, apply for Deferred Action, or have more questions about these great news!